Friday, April 30, 2010

Ka-Tet May Become "Ka-Rap"

*This is where they killed my story.*

Oh my goodness.  Say it's not so.....  I haven't even had my morning coffee yet, and here's what I wake up to.  Ugh.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

First Time for Everything

I've had a lot of "firsts" since moving here, including:
-being under a hurricane warning
-waking up to air-raid sirens because a tsunami is on its way
-choking on volcanic fog
-watching whales breach

Now I know these (and most other) examples are because any of those events would be geographically, meteorologically, or geologically improbable or impossible in Colorado.

But the other day, something happened that could have happened in Colorado (although I would have considered it very bizarre), but happened here instead:

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

The Post, His Postness, or El Postarino (if you're not into the whole brevity thing)

How could I not post this?

Got this from Big Lebowski Mashups  (Mostly NSFW)
The Dude Vader one really starts strong and then kinda craps out, but it's good.  Most of them have some entertainment value (assuming your standards are as low as mine).

Lesson learned: You can set pretty much anything to the theme music of MacGyver and/or Magnum P.I. and I'll find it entertaining.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Music, Pyschology, and Chocolate

See the connection?

Friday, April 23, 2010

Side Swiped!!

Hey Everyone. I just realized that although I'd written this on my iPod last week, it got saved as a draft and then never published. Sorry for the delay.

With the advent of the new pineapple just around the corner, so many old traditions are being rekindled after being forgotton with the end of the last season:
•regular self-surgery to remove troublesome spines lodged in the skin after weeding and harvest
•semi-permanent rust colored fingernails and knees from planting keiki in the soil
•constant discussion over the morning coffee about where, how, and when to plant the next bay
•the weekly (progressing to daily) walks through the bays looking for ripe pineapples

And, of course, it also features the return one of one of my favorite aspects of the growing season - swipe!

Possibly the Coolest T-Shirt Ever

Somehow, I think Paul's the only guy I know who could wear this shirt to its fullest potential.

For more cool zombie stuff, check out

Saturday, April 17, 2010


Hey everyone.  I warned you it was pending, and here it is.  I've started a new blog for all of the artsy photos I take, in hopes that it'll be a nice forum for rich people to order prints from me.

It's still in progress, and over the next few weeks I'll be adding the photos I've already taken.  But it's a much cleaner, simpler, more basic layout, and there's not much there apart from the photos.  I'll let you know as the site progresses, but at this point there's not much reason to go other than to just check out the idea (and I'm very open to suggestions, if you've got any).

Anyway, here it is: Cameronographie

I've added the link over there on the right, so you can see the most recent update.


The Power of Bacon

Last week I got an email from Jennifer, sharing with me this wonderful item: Bacon-Flavored Vodka.
No kidding.
The very next day, I saw this on Failblog:

Mmmmmm.....  it even smells like bacon!
Well that got me thinking about what other bacon products are out there.

Junk and Stuff and Whatever

Everyone meet Regan.  Regan, everyone. 
He's the one in the beer suit, and the latest addition to what I like to think of as the Cameronosphere...... or Cameronopolis.....  Cameronological Something-or-other?  I dunno...  perhaps I should drop the whole name+suffix thing before you all are wishing for a Cameronectomy.

At any rate, I've added his blog to the bloglist on the right of the page, so you can all track the 7 posts he makes and then forgets about, like the other blogs on the list (ha ha just kidding, I slacked for quite a while too).

For those of you who don't know about Regan, to put it in the parlance of our times, he is the "Walter" to Kilzer's "The Dude" (sorry Chad, that makes you Donnie).  He's the Hawkeye Pierce to our M*A*S*H unit.   He's the Mama Cass of our particular group of Mamas and Papas.

So keep an eye on his blog for quality insights on life, family, corporate retail America, and bleeding-edge s'mores technology and innovation.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

A Few Updates

(just to keep you up to speed)

I'm sure you've all been thinking that now that K&K are back I've stopped writing again.  Understandable, sure. I'd probably be thinking the same thing.  But I'd be wrong.

Truth be told, I've been spending the time I would normally have been writing scouring the internet for options on streamlining my "blog presence" (in the parlance of our times).  I've decided that I need to have a blog that's nothing but photos, so I can list that with any that I have on display around town, and the folks that follow up on that link can look at my work without having to read all about my first surfing experience or how KTA Supermarket would be better if the lady in front of me shot the clerk.  Make sense?  I thought so.  Don't worry....I'll have links here to the photo pages as well, so you won't miss out on anything if you don't want to follow that blog on your own.  I've got you covered.

Beyond that, some interesting things have been going on around here.  You know, ups and downs, strikes and gutters...  And since I have a few minutes, I figured I'd share them with you.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Blame it on the Hula (the Forbidden Dance)

(all.....or none....of this may actually be true)

Milli Vanilli once told us that we could blame it on the rain. According to local folklore, we can blame the rain on the, uh, hulaers. No. Hulaists? Hulaistas? people who do hula and their love for picking ohia lehua for their outfits, because picking the flowers of the ohia tree often causes rain.  It always rains a lot this time of year leading up to the festival, and more often than not it stops raining right at or just after the Merrie Monarch Festival.

And so the Merrie Monarch Festival is nigh upon us, and if I wasn't a hermit that lived in a circus tent, I'm sure I would say that the town is a-buzz in preparation and anticipation. Heck, I can almost hear the a-buzzing from up here (when the rain lets up a little). So I got to wondering about the whole thing. Who was this monarch? And what made him so "merrie," anyway? And why have a festival about him? Well, I've found that there is no one good place to find all of this information online (not even at so I've done extensive research, a little even pertaining to the topic, and now bring to you...... from a chair on a porch.....

The Cameronomicon Presents:
(A Rainy Day Production)

"A Brief History of the Merrie Monarch Festival"
(the story you are about to read is based very very very loosely on real events)

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Happy Easter!

Happy Easter everyone!

I hope you're all having a great day!!

Even the dogs wanted to join into the fun!
Dogster Bunnies!

OK.....  that was supposed to be funny, but honestly Lucy doesn't look that different, and Dagny's kinda freaking me out.

**Big thanks to Carol for the original bunny photos**

Saturday, April 3, 2010

More Fun Photos!!

So today I got an email from my friend Carol.  She asked if I could send her the URL to my blog so she could see my latest photos.  I shamefully had to admit that I haven't put up any photos in a long time, and that I've been so busy lately I haven't even really taken any new photos.

But then I got to thinking that it had been such a long time there during which I didn't post a thing that I must have taken some passable photos that I didn't post.  And since the weather's not cooperating today and since I've already got the generator running, I figured I'd put them up.

So here they are.

**Editor's Note:  As you'll see below, I'm also going to be trying out the "jump break" feature on the blog, so the main page isn't 12 miles long.  I don't know how well this will work, or if it'll be more of a pain than the really long main page, and I don't know how it'll work in feed readers either.  But if you've got some feedback about it, please let me know.  Thanks. -C 

Friday, April 2, 2010

Other Items on the Phone's Memory Card

(a.k.a. A Night Out with Paul)

First, you've got to find a desolate location.

Nice, but a little overboard.  Back into the car.

Better, but the sooner off of the road the better.

Video Blog!!!! That's Right!!!!!! Video Blog!!!!!

Even though Google Analytics and the number of comments on the blog have been very clearly telling me that no one is reading this, due to my current need for human interaction (which has not yet, but may soon, become desperate), I'm putting  up a video I took with my phone so perhaps you (aka nobody) can better see what I've been up to recently.

Mostly it's just good to know I can upload videos from my phone to youtube.  Also it's good to know that I can still very adequately stick my finger in the frame when I'm trying to turn the video.

Please excuse both the choppy nature of the dialog (as I kept thinking I'd paused the recording) and the crazy nature of my hair (as I kept thinking I'd gotten a haircut).


People have asked me (not you people, of course - I know no one's still reading this) if it's been any trouble having two dogs with similar names: Lucy and Luana, who are both used to responding to "Loo" and "Lulu" and "Loolers" and the like.

Well, I'm here to set the record straight and let everyone know that no, it has not been a problem at all.

They both ignore me just the same no matter what I call them.