Kilzer wants to see some photos of the property.
Fortunately, I've been taking photos of both over the last few days.
To make things interesting, I'll caption each photo in "haiku" form.
Such sweet tasty fruit.
Harvest causing loss of blood
Is not unheard-of.
One is much to green.
The other, much too yellow.
I ate them anyway.
Same fruit as above.
This scratch-and-sniff image
Doesn't work anymore.
The farm from the road
looked nice in the evening sun
both times we've had sun.
The walk to the yurt
From the power house on up
Has made my legs strong.
Lu-dog makes it clear
Fingers are not required
To pick your own nose.
I don't know just why,
But this photo makes me laugh
Each time I see it.
Deep in the jungle
There lives a man feared by all.
And this is not him.
Ha ha ha ha ha.
Enough fun for one evening.
Take care everyone.