On Monday I basically took the day off, and I took a TON of photos. Most weren't anything to write home about, but a select few turned out pretty well. There were several of flowers that I liked, but I'm really starting to think that anyone can take nice photos of flowers, so I'm going to lay off posting them here for a while. Here are four that are not flowers at all.
Of them all, I'm most proud of the last one, as it was a moving target, and I had to use the manual focus to get it. I'm sure I looked like quite the idiot there at the park, spinning around, looking up and down, all with a camera attached to my face. But I think it was worth it.
Just Start Somewhere!
This is a recycles post from my other blogspot site....the one that I wrote
ONE whole post for....
I could never do that - how DO you find the time? That i...
8 years ago
great pix cameron. Esp the dragonfly. I'm very impressed. I've tried and failed miserably w/ hummingbirds so I know the skill it took to capture it! Loved the snail too-such a lovely blue! :) Okay, no more niceties, when are you going to update? Don't make me wish for rain on your head so you will! :)