I went down the hill a little way, and the anti-climactic nature of it all was staggering. Not only did I not get a Pulitzer Prize winning photo, nor did I have a chance to witness the sheer awe-inspiring natural force of a tidal wave, but I also didn't get to rescue any beautiful women from harm's way, which of course would have led to a really great weekend. :) On the other hand, no one died and no property was damaged, so I guess we'll have to call this one a wash.
Still, this whole fiasco has started me thinking. This is the second "sure thing" natural disaster that has turned out to be nothing at all. Today it was the tsunami. Previously it was Hurricane Felicia, which, if you don't recall, was a class 4 hurricane on the warpath for Hilo. All projections showed it gathering strength and tearing the town apart. As it happened, though, all that really happened were 30mph winds, and (oddly enough) it actually rained less than normal.
As I see it, there's a common thread tying these two near-miss disasters together:
I blogged about them.
Now I'm thinking, why should I use all of this aversion power just for the people of Hilo? There are plenty of times when we're not under a threat here.
So I'm officially offering my services to the world. For the very reasonable sum of $1,000,000 US, a place to stay, and Internet access, I'll travel anywhere and blog about your impending disaster, thus causing it to diminish to the point of just looking silly. Of course, I'll need the money up front, just in case. And in the interest of being fair, if for some unforeseen reason the disaster isn't averted, I'll gladly have my next of kin refund half of my fee to help with disaster relief or whatnot.
Trust me. This sounds like a good deal because it IS a good deal.
Operators are currently standing by.
(disclaimer: countries offering all-I-can-drink Guinness will have first priority)
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