Thursday, October 20, 2011

Situation Normal

Sunrise - not volcano glow

Good morning! Well, the coffee's hot and good, but I had to warm it with propane instead of molten rock running alongside the yurt. And it also seems that all of those hours of childhood training, playing "The Carpet is Lava" in the living room, have thus far amounted to little more than wasted time.  I had planned on getting up this morning, making a nice pot of coffee, relaxing in the hammock while I had a cup or two, and then running for my life.  Instead I'll have to settle on making a nice pot of coffee, relaxing in the hammock over a cup or two, and then running the mower or weed whacker.  But on the brighter side, I do like coffee, and I have some amount of affection for living, so all in all it's a good morning. 

Turns out they call these quick successions of earthquakes "swarms."  A dumb name, if you ask me, but then again you didn't, so I won't go into it.  

If you'd like to read more about the volcano and it's current grumpiness, here's a person who by all rights should know more than me.

1 comment:

  1. I'll take your earthquake there and trade you my earthquake here....? pretty pleeeaaseeee?
