Monday, August 31, 2009

Photo Haiku Shindig

Mom wants to see some photos of the pineapples.
Kilzer wants to see some photos of the property.
Fortunately, I've been taking photos of both over the last few days.
To make things interesting, I'll caption each photo in "haiku" form.


Such sweet tasty fruit.
Harvest causing loss of blood
Is not unheard-of.

One is much to green.
The other, much too yellow.
I ate them anyway.

Same fruit as above.
This scratch-and-sniff image
Doesn't work anymore.

The farm from the road
looked nice in the evening sun
both times we've had sun.

The walk to the yurt
From the power house on up
Has made my legs strong.

Lu-dog makes it clear
Fingers are not required
To pick your own nose.

I don't know just why,
But this photo makes me laugh
Each time I see it.

Deep in the jungle
There lives a man feared by all.
And this is not him.

Ha ha ha ha ha.
Enough fun for one evening.
Take care everyone.


Hawai'ian Word of the Day, appropriately, is "Honoli'i" which (as I'm told) translates as "small (-li'i) bay (hono-)"  It's pronounced ho-no-lee-ee.  And no, it's not the place where Puff the Magic Dragon is from.

Given that we've had a lot to do around the farm, and when we weren't working on the farm it was raining, we hadn't been to the beach in what seemed like ages, but what was actually about 10 days (which is, of course, ages).  Sunday was such a nice day, though, that we couldn't pass it up.  So we packed up the boards and headed down to Honoli'i.  Kaleo also needed some photos and video for a school project she has to do, so I volunteered to take some photos for the first half an hour or so.

As you can see, even though the waves weren't that big, it was an incredibly beautiful day out on the ocean.

Here's another pic of the married couple:

Of course, there are perils to be considered in being a surf photographer.  I could get a cramp and drown.  I could be carried off by a flock of mermaids.  The Kraken itself could rise from the sea, sent by an angry Poseidon, hellbent on revenge for that time I peed in his ocean, and it could drag me down to the unseen depths of the great deep.  But  the most perilous [Sir Lancelot: "No, it's too perilous"] is that of being aimed for and run over by those subjects you are there to photograph in the first place.

Now, as a side note, I'm not traditionally superstitious.  But I've got this theory, let's call it, that when you see "honu" (ho-noo), a.k.a. sea turtles, when you're out in the ocean, it's going to be a good day.  And we saw a TON of honu that day.  Usually I'll see two or three in the couple of hours we're out, but on Sunday it was incredible.  There was one moment where I saw four at once!

Here's a photo I got of one of them:

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Garden Update

I said way back when that I'd keep you all updated on the garden, so here it is.

The basil, parsely, and dill are doing really really well. Everything else is doing ok, but some of the tomatoes and peppers (top photo) have been really taking their time growing since they were transplanted.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

The Day in Photos

I've been told I can be a bit (or more than a bit) long-winded, and I suppose that's true. So today I went on a bit of a photo binge, and to ease your reading eyes, I'm going to shut up now, and just put up the favorites that I took today (in no particular order-and one or two might be from Monday, sorry). But please at least do me the courtesy of imagining that I'm talking incessantly in the background. And feel free to click on the images for slightly larger versions. Thanks, and enjoy.

Ok.... I'm stopping talking now.


Important Notes of Note

So I just wanted to clear a few things up that are floating around out there:
  • That is NOT, I repeat, NOT me in the "one man band" photo. Nor is it my face photoshopped onto the face of the one man band that it actually is. I never even saw any resemblance. But that's ok. I get that a lot. I seem to look like everyone. Most people I meet think that they know me from somewhere, even though I know we've never met. So either I'm the man of everyone's dreams, or else I just look like everyone. I'm going with the latter. And for the record, this is not the first time this has happened in print media. When I was in high school there was a soccer poster that had a guy in it who looked just like me. And that was pre-photoshop. So there you go.
  • I DID, I repeat, DID finish a demo for Kilzer. It's simple, basic, and very demo-ish, but I like it a lot, and apparently so does he.
  • I am NOT, I repeat, am NOT going to (any longer) spend my evenings and early mornings walking in and around the yurt naked, at the somewhat awkward request of the neighbors. And here I thought Hawai'ians were cool with that.
  • The "D" key on my keyboard is sticking and acting up, so if I missed any d's in this, I apologize.
  • Big props to all who've voted for the best theme music.
  • See that "Digg" button at the bottom at each post? Check out if you aren't familiar with it. So, yeah, I added those because looking at "0 Diggs" (or "1 Digg" if I'm feeling like digging myself) really helps keep my self-image and ego in check, therefore preventing me from going all Pinky and the Brain on you all, and trying to take over the world.
Thanks for allowing me to take the time to clear all of those things up.
And yes, one of the above items is completely untrue.

Here's an unrelated photo:

Sunday, August 16, 2009

What Every Blog Needs

I told Kilzer that I was going to record a demo this weekend.

I tried, I really did. But I just couldn't get anything going. Nothing at all. It was depressing. Sorry Mike.

But what I did come up with instead is the "Next Big Thing" for bloggers.

Theme Music.

That's right.

Theme Music.

Every good blog has it's own theme music, right? WRONG. It's just not happening out there. So what I've done is I've created a series of samples for you to...well....sample. What you need to do is to let me know which one you think would fit best with the blog. I'll take the winning jingle, maybe add to it, or maybe not, and I'll include it in an inline player (like the ones below) at the top of the board, so you can hear it whenever you'd like.

I'll add a poll on the right side of the blog, so be sure to vote there, as well as add comments below stating why you like the one you do.


Here we go!
***EDIT: If you're having trouble getting the player to work, you might have to install an ActiveX control. There should be a prompt to do so at the top of the webpage (below the menus and buttons) if you need it. I've also added direct links to the files if you'd rather play them in your own player.***
1. Welcome Download

2. Gettin' It Download

3. Take It! Download

As you can tell, they're not the highest quality songs every written, but I had a lot of fun learning about the new studio, and a lot of fun making this crap up. In fact, I had one spell there where I couldn't stop laughing for 10 minutes! It's one thing if that happens when you're around other people, but by myself? I think I might need to be committed. :)

Anyway, thanks ahead of time for voting.

Sidenote: 50th post! Woohoo!

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Mike's Here!


Now, if you know me and think I'm talking about Kilzer, you're way off. He's not here. He's there. Or somewhere, depending on when you read this. But as of this writing, all I know for sure is that he's not here. I think he's off camping with Regan or something, if I remember correctly. Or maybe he's back in town spending time with his "special lady." Or maybe she's his "lady friend." I don't know. I don't keep track of his lady friend goings-ons because:
a) it's not my job
b) if I did keep track, it'd sound terribly like something from Soap Opera Digest Weekly...

....which would of course read as follows:

***content deleted by author as it was determined that any reading by anyone would detrimentally affect every culture everywhere. ***


Anyway, why are you all so obsessed with Mike all of the sudden? Maybe you should be reading his blog here (SPOILER ALERT! I think his next post will be about his camping trip, and I'm pretty sure this will be the time that Regan finally talks Mike into zipping their sleeping bags together at night to "keep warm." ha ha ha).

So what I was really try to talk about was "mikes", or "mics" if you prefer, or "microphones," as it were.

What you can not really see from the above photo is that the drum set is all miked (miced? microphoned, as it were?) up and is ready to go.

To paraphrase the Emperor from Return of the Jedi:
"Now witness the power of this fully armed and operational recording studio!"

Yep. Apart from feeling a need to quote Star Wars, we're good to go.
Here are some amazing action "pics" or "picks" or "pictures," as it were:

Here's me pretending to play the keyboard
(as you can clearly see, the keyboard's not even turned on)

Lessons from previous photo:
1. I desperately need a haircut
2. I desperately need a piano bench

Here's me pretending to operate the recording console
(as you can clearly see, the computer's not even turned on)

Lessons from previous photo:
1. I need to go on a neck fat diet
2. I still need a haircut

Here's me pretending to open a door
(as you can clearly see, the door's not even turned on)

Lessons from previous photo:
1. That t-shirt has really held up well over all this time
2. I feel like I have to mention the haircut and neck fat issues again

I already know what some of you are going to say. And no, I'm not "so tan!!" I'm actually just as ghostly white/nearly transparent as I always was. In this case, I'm just filthy from pulling weeds all afternoon. For proof, please see the completely un-photoshopped photo below, which is a close-up of my thumb from the previous photo:

Yuck. And, if you're feeling especially masochistic today, feel free to click here for an even closer zoom.
Yeah..... dirty.
At least it's not this dirty. Ugh.... makes me nauseous just thinking about it.

Back to the point though, the Yurt Recording Studio is up and running (if we ever figure out how to turn everything on), and I'm filthy and need a shower.

And a haircut.

Now, once again, I know what you're going to say, as you folks are so predictable. "Where's the new music then?" Allow me to remind you this is a "recording studio," not a "magic song writing machine." So without songs, I've got nothing to record. But now that the studio's done, we're turning to Phase 2, which is:

A Magic Song Writing Machine.
(patent pending)

We don't have all of the kinks worked out yet, but we do have some promising scribbles on a few stained cocktail napkins, so yeah, it's basically almost done.

Oooo! And we have an official description of it's functionality, as provided by Mike Kilzer:

"It's like a device.... You put a bunch of ideas in it, and out spews a giant turd of excellence."

Truer words were never spoken, my friends.

With that I'm going wrap this up with a video. All this talk of music, and I'd feel bad leaving you completely empty handed...or empty eared, or whatever. So here's a recording of a live performance of, as best as I understand, some traditional Hawai'ian music, played by Kalewa. Enjoy.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Felicia: Part 2

What a complete and total let down of a storm.
I was planning on writing more last night, but as nothing was happening, I fell asleep instead. Sorry about that.
Anyway, we got a grand whopping total of 0.60" of rain from the storm. That's only 0.1" more than we've normally been getting every night for the last three weeks. So....yeah. Not much to report at all.

On the upside, the storm did make for some great waves at the beach. Kalewa and I took the camera out in hopes of catching some video. We really didn't get any good action shots (still learning on that one) and we only took a couple of still shots, which I'm including. There's one video, though, that I really want to post, but every time I try, the DSL modem here wigs out, and cuts off all internet connection. So I guess I'll see if Kalewa can throw it on youtube for me tomorrow.

So that's about it. Wish I had more for you this evening, but......I don't. :)

Felicia the Dud (for here, anyway): Part 1

In an effort to keep friends and family back home updated with the storm (as I've heard that since it's been downgraded to a tropical storm, there's almost no coverage anywhere, news websites included), I'm going to be dishing out some info tonight and tomorrow.

As you all may or may not know, Felicia was at one time a Category 4 hurricane, aimed directly for me. Everyone figured it'd die down, and it has, but it also changed direction and has headed off to the north to mess with other people. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't a little disappointed. That kind of weather is something I've never even come close to experiencing, and the prospect was a little exciting. But now I'm just hanging out in the yurt, drinking a diet Hansen's soda (kiwi strawberry), wondering what movie I'm going to watch online through Netflix (I'm leaning towards "Chocolate," not to be confused with "Chocolat.")

Anyway, current wind speeds are low...perhaps enough to be considered a light breeze. Current rainfall is zero. In fact, because of the light but constant breeze, we've had better weather today than we've had in weeks. That means, of course, a good day to go to the beach. Which I did. Which will be a post later tonight (after dinner and Chocolate, not Chocolat).

In fact, the only really remarkable thing so far was this amazing rainbow that popped up just before sunset. There are rainbows here quite a lot, but this was the first I'd seen that did the full arc, from the horizon and back again. And it was bright too.

My piece of junk camera couldn't do it justice, but I took some photos anyway.

Ok. The rain is starting to come down now (still just a sprinkle), so at least I'll have some totals to report after dinner.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Here I Am!

Rock me like a hurricane!

Check this out:

How interesting is that?

I've never been in a hurricane before, but I'm thinking it'll be like this:

For those of you know don't know, that's what I always look like at the dance club.
(Sorry about the redirect for the video. Not much I can do about it.)

Anyway, as Tom Petty once wisely said, "You don't have to live like a refugee."
And he also said, "The waiting is the hardest part."
I have a feeling the next 4-5 days will be less like this (up to the 01m01s point):

And more like that same scene poorly reenacted, like this:

At any rate, I'll try and keep you all posted.