Dig the classic Olan Mills backdrop!
Ok all of you Cameronomicabalists out there, it's time for more blog pimpage! Brought to you direct by The Great Magnet itself, the latest addition to what I like to think of as the Cameronoshpere:
TheM@ Abides, the new blog started by our good friend TheMatt. He's recently dropped everything but his cat and headed off to live in Seattle, and he's being kind enough to share the adventures with us. Thus far they've been very entertaining. So go check it out, follow if you like, and check back often. Granted, it may be different that what you're used to here on the Cameronomicon, what with the complete and total lack of potato rake references, but I'm sure you're all kind and wise enough to see past that and enjoy
TheM@ Abides upon its own merits. You may also notice that I've added this blog to my "Blogs of Interest" in the sidebar on the right. This'll let you know when he's added a new post.
Graçias, Cameronmigos.
That is all.