Monday, June 1, 2009

My Recent Involvement with the FBI

Not THE FBI, of course, but still, it's interesting.

The Cameronomicon has been added to (there's another link via image over there on the right.  -------->

This particular FBI (From Big Island) is a collection of blogs* (see exaggerated side note below) of various people here on the Big Island of Hawai'i.  It was created and is managed by Damon Tucker and I think it's a really interesting project, and and I'm happy to be a part of it.  (of course, I got the invite before I started talking about the crazy food replicator guy, so I believe the un-invite will occur at any moment now...  :) )

From what I've learned, my blog was brought to Mr. Tucker's attention by Guava Bee, who I'd like to take a moment to thank. (Thanks, Guava Bee, if you're reading.)  I'd also like to thank one Andrew Cooper, for not only confirming that the site is bringing a bit more traffic to my blog, but also for graciously identifying the fish from the photos I posted on my Kealakekua thread.  Thanks to Guava Bee, Damon, and Andrew, I can now with certainty say "That's a yellow tang!" instead of "OOoooo! Pretty fishies!"  And I believe we can all agree that that alone makes the world a better place.

So, faithful readers (both of you), go check out and read up on some of the interesting things happening on and about the Big Island.  They are, after all, the "Big Islands Best Blogs."

That said, I'm off to replicate 7 strengths of bacon.  If I'm not back in a week, someone tell my mom the polar bears got me.

* EXAGGERATED SIDE NOTE: I think there should be a word for a collection of blogs.... Collections of books are called (originally enough) "collections" or "libraries" although the thorough and exhaustive 7 minutes of searching on Google, I can find no real difference between the two. I suppose some would say that a "collection" is private, while a library is not, but that's not really true.  You can have a private library and a public collection.  I also thought it might have something to do with the quantity of books, but I can find no official minimum number of books required to earn the title "library."  Therefore, I'm officially stating that the one true and defining difference between a collection of books and a library of books is the Dewey Decimal System.  I'm sure someone who is a librarian (I know more now than I ever have) will speak up and deny this, but TOO LATE!  It's already been officially stated!  

But now I'm off topic.  We need a name for a collection of blogs.  Blogosphere, as much as I don't like that name, implies all of the blogs everywhere.  I don't know.  I'm at a loss here.  Kilzer, you're good with names....  rock something out here so we can all sleep at night.  Thanks.


  1. I believe a grouping of blogs should be a "Billow of Blogs."

    That is all. A Billow.

  2. "Hyperlocal"

    Leslie Lang from the FBI Blogs pointed it out to me and I didn't really understand the concept at first.

    I'm learning more about it and it can be a very powerful community tool if done effectively.

    Welcome aboard and don't be afraid to tell things like it is.

    Just remember I'm trying to keep it a family friendly site so if you need to swear in your blog... that's all cool... but try and keep the swear words out of the headlines.

    Effing glad you came aboard!

    P.S. I couldn't tell the difference between a humunukuapuaetcwhatchumallit and a guppy, so the credit lies with the others mentioned.

  3. @ TheM@: Billow.... Hmmmm.... Interesting

    @ damontucker:

    A) "Hyperlocal", eh? Thanks for the info. And though that is the used term, I'm not sure it's the proper one. Lemme talk this out a bit....

    From (and the internet never lies):

    hyper- pref.

    Over; above; beyond: hyperflexion.
    Excessive; excessively: hyperhydration

    Over; above; beyond: hypercharge.
    Excessive; excessively: hypercritical.
    Existing in more than three dimensions: hyperspace.
    Linked or arranged nonsequentially: hypertext.

    So, I see how the "hyper-" part would fit in, but I don't get the local.... "Hyperlocal" would mean "more than local" or "excessively local" or "local area arranged nonsequentially." In my mind, it's close, but it's not quite there. It's more of a local focus on a "hyper-" something else, or, as TheM@ would clearly say, it's a "Local Hyperbillow" (which also doesn't make sense. I'd think that something like "local hypergnosis" or "local hyperontology" (although I like the former better).

    But, as I've often said, "I don't write for the New York Times, so I'm not allowed to make up words.

    B) Happy to be here! And thanks again for the inclusion. Also, I do my best to suppress any swear words on the blog, as I've got family who read, and they wouldn't really appreciate it. So no worries there.

  4. Damon deserves the weight of your "thank you's", all I did was bring your blog to his attention and you were included, faster than a speeding opihi!

    May I use your photos from time to time as my Photo of the Day? With proper credit and links, of course.

    Whenever I hear the term 'Hyperlocal' I think of a bruddah amped up on Red Bull (or equivalent) but I believe it just describes the focus of our blog content: our town/city etc.


  5. Barbara-
    Certainly! Please feel free to use the photos on the blog for your Photo of the Day. I'd be honored.

  6. Hey man... don't blame me for liking the word "Hyper".

    That's what I was always called as a kid... to see it used as a term for something I was doing ... AFTER I started doing... kind of blew me away.

    Of course Cameron... You probably haven't followed my blog until maybe recently.

    I'm like a timex watch... take a licking and keep on tickin....

    I'll blame Barbara when me and you start our online bickering that I do w/ some of the other FBI Bloggers.

  7. May I suggest that rather than focus on the "collection" of blogs maybe you could focus on the art/act of coming together? "collection" & "library" seems a little stagnant - dusty if you will. Some crappy suggestions: BlogFest, BlogFete or BlogGala. But that's just my non-blogger perspective. :)

  8. Wow all these blog posts are "blogilicious."
