Sunday, November 14, 2010

Trouble in Paradise

The unthinkable of unthinkables has occurred.

My hammock started to rip.

I know what you all are thinking, and the answer is "Yes, it is serious!"  I've found that I've come to depend on my hammock as a place of refuge and comfort at all times (except when it's really windy or rainy or the mosquitoes are really bad).

But there is good news.  

There's a name we've given for the living arrangements I have (tarps and corrugated metal roofing as bathroom walls, urinate on whatever trees look like they need it, plywood floors with garage paint on them, and yet hot water on demand, a fully functioning recording studio, and internet), and the term is "farm chic."

Therefore in true farm chic fashion, I've fixed my hammock.

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