Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Cool Stuffs O' the InterTubes

Not much going on today, but I feel like I should put up a post.
And rather than create some long, rambling. nearly incoherent dissection of a typically mundane and otherwise insignificant moment, I'm just going to share some of the things I've found on the internet lately.

  • First and foremost, Mike finally proposed to Regan.  We've all seen it coming for years, but the happy day has finally arrived.  Congrats guys.
  • Need someone to draw out the difference between women and men for you? (it's not porn, I swear) Here it is.  After you're done with that, be sure to follow the link to the original XKCD blog page.  And for those of you who aren't already reading XKCD, I feel sorry for you and those around you.
  • Today is Star Wars day. "May the 4th be with you."  I'd never heard that before, but I like it.  If I'd known, I'd have saved my Special Star Wars Interjection Edition post of barbaric mutilation for today.  But since I didn't, here's a post with a video that drives my dogs crazy.  I've never heard the whole thing at once because the mutts won't stop barking (I think they're trying to warn me that the Stormtroopers are coming). [it's probably only entertaining because of the dogs]
  • Speaking of Star Wars, the image above is from here, and although it takes a while for them to load, it's completely worth the wait.  This is so cool that it makes me want to kick myself repeatedly for not having this (or a similar) idea myself.
  • Still rolling with the Sci-Fi theme, I was complaining to Mike the other day about how I couldn't watch the new Doctor Who episodes online because I don't live in the UK.  Here's a very thorough explanation of why that is, from a guy who would know.
  • Wait!  I know yogurt?!?
  • Some of you have probably seen me on Freakbook....uh, I mean Facebook lately.  And as I've been telling everyone who asks, and most who don't, I'm only there to play Scrabble.  And why am I not more involved with it?  Because it's EVIL!  You hear that Eric? EVIL like it's the FRU-ITS of the DEVIL! :) Of course Eric doesn't hear that.  He's with the silent majority of Americans who don't read this blog (current majority count: all Americans minus 10, give or take 10)  Fortunately, we are loved in Belgium and Italy.
That's it for today, folks.

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