Sunday, April 4, 2010

Happy Easter!

Happy Easter everyone!

I hope you're all having a great day!!

Even the dogs wanted to join into the fun!
Dogster Bunnies!

OK.....  that was supposed to be funny, but honestly Lucy doesn't look that different, and Dagny's kinda freaking me out.

**Big thanks to Carol for the original bunny photos**

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the link. I am really down that I didn't get a chance to see you when you were in town last.. and when you left i might add.

    Kilzer should let you know about the conversation we had the other day about his tent search. I think that you are on one side of the Kilzer spectrum and I am on the other, yet we are in the middle - connecting.

    Maybe I should blog some of this catharsis (sp?)
